Welcome to Lagomier

Lovingly based off Matt Swanson’s Lagom jekyll theme.

Lagom is a Swedish word with no direct English equivalent, meaning “just the right amount”

I first started with Jekyll and Github pages for the reason of wanting to get away from Go Daddy, while looking for themes I came across Lagom and loved it. After starting to work on my own site, I started to see things that I wanted to change.

  • Originally I had modified this to use the SCSS version of Skeleton CSS, but recently I’ve changed to Bootstrap 4.
  • Font Awesome for icons
  • Open Sans from Google web fonts
  • Built-in Atom feed

The number of these items started to build up until eventually (as well as Mr. Swanson archiving the original) I felt it time to break off.


// Todo


There are a couple of ways to get going with the project:


Forking will allow you to make changes as you see fit - if they’re changes you think are spectacular then feel free to pull request them:

  • Fork this repository
  • Clone it: git clone https://github.com/USERNAME/lagom
  • Install the GitHub Pages gem (includes Jekyll): bundle install
  • Run the jekyll server: bundle exec jekyll serve
  • Modify to your hearts content

You should have a server up and running locally at http://localhost:4000/jekyll-lagomier.

Remote Theme

If you’re not interested in making any changes to the theme directly, you can update the _config.yml. For more information check out the Remote Theme:

remote_theme: kenjdavidson/lagomier


You can also do both - fork the project to make your own custom changes, then use remote_theme with your own repository. I found this was the best choice (and ultimately how this theme was born).


You should deploy with GitHub Pages - it’s just easier.

All you should have to do is rename your repository on GitHub to be username.github.io. Lagomier was updated to run off the master branch, although based on your configuration you must just make sure that the repository setting is configured to match.


MIT with no added caveats, so feel free to use this on your site without linking back to me or using a disclaimer or anything silly like that.


Feel free to open issues if you run into trouble or have suggestions. Pull Requests always welcome.