Page Assets

There are a number of constant page assets that are included in the /assets/ folder. By placing them in /assets/ you no longer have to copy them into your own projects:


The 404.html page is provided by the original Lagom theme.


The original theme also provided the atom.html page.

Site Json

site.json file is made available for you to include with your own Javascript functionality. It’s not currently used in this implementation of the theme.


An archive page is provided which displays a listing of your blog posts by year. It can be configured using the following entries in the theme.yml file:

# theme.yml
  title: Archive
  description: |
    Please browse through my published articles - comments and corrections are always welcome.

each post entry is displayed using the _include/archive-post-item.html. The template has requires allows for a number of parameters:

{% include archive-post-item.html 
    date_format="%b %-d"
    tags=true|false %}


A categories page is creating grouping posts by category. Posts can appear in multiple categories if they’ve been assigned to both. Categories have the same configuration of title and description:

# theme.yml
  title: Categories
  description: |
    Please browse through my published articles - comments and corrections are always welcome.

The same _include/archive-post-item.html is used.